Group Health Insurance and Ancillary Products
3740 N. Josey Lane, Suite 125
Carrollton, Texas 75007
Phone: (972) 466-2915
How to quote group dental insurance in 2021
What every employer needs to know about quoting group dental insurance in 2021. This video describes the information required when requesting your quote, options and what to expect when your quotes arrive.
Dental insurance in one of the most sought after employee benefits.
According to the Mayo Clinic, there is a direct correlation between oral health and general health. Conditions that can be linked to or contribute to oral health are endocarditis, cardiovascular disease, pneumonia, pregnancy and birth complications.
About quoting dental insurance.
Quoting group dental insurance as quite easy. It is much like quoting group health insurance as you will need a group census, however group dental insurance does not require medical underwriting, so it is much easier to qualify for and there more options available to you.
Plan types
In todays market, there are 3 popular plan types available to employees.
PPO / indemnity
Discount Plan
As some PPO dental plans are passive in most states, the PPO plans work much like and indemnity plan. Therefore, we have included the PPO and indemnity plans in the same category. This means there is no reduction in benefits for non-network dentist. However patients can be subject to URC.
In this video we also include underwriting and basic plan type descriptions.
Click here for a sample census form in PDF format
Click here for a sample census form in Excel format
Always refer to your summary of benefits or contact your agent for more information on dental policies.